Case Study
From the very first moment...
we come on board it was clear this was a department driven by family. At Hayward PD, family is both the mission and the means. All they were lacking was the ability to effectively communicate this real and tangible feeling to potential recruits.
Recruiting Videos
Recruiting Website
Print Brochures
“Join” Logo Design
Our discovery phase also revealed...
a key resource within the Department. Several officers who grew up in the city they now patrol. These homegrown officers would become a big part of the recruiting toolbox Epic was assembling for Hayward PD.
Don’t forget to have some fun.
Don’t forget to have some fun. It’s not everyday you get that message from a recruiting campaign, but the team at Hayward PD wanted to make sure that was heard, loud and clear. Epic obliged and working with the team at Hayward PD to produce 3, off the wall, funny videos designed exclusively for social media. These videos proved a lighter touch is a powerful tool. The funny videos were shared thousands of times, across multiple social media platforms.
Epic Recruiting uses a proven recruiting strategy...
utilized by fortune 500 companies and recruiting firms around the globe to overcome these challenges. Far beyond a passive job posting, Epic Recruiting uses multiple online campaigns to put your open position in front of candidates actively seeking a career in law enforcement, telling your Department story, and sharing with them what makes your city a great place to work, live, and raise a family.
A website with a feeling.
Epic’s mission was to encapsulate Hayward PD’s focus on family and community within the digital code of a recruiting website. This challenge is why at Epic creating quality videos and capturing powerful photos are given priority. Websites are made up of the content of which they showcase and every photo and video on the Hayward site was selected to drive that message home. The website is built for optimization and to be highly visibility across search engines. Embedded analytic tools capture data on visitors to the site, allowing Epic Recruiting to retarget and track recruits, while pushing content that leads to applications. This data helps Epic keep a watchful eye on making sure the return on investment for Hayward PD remains strong.
The Departments full buy-in of using online recruiting...
as the number one recruiting tool allowed Epic to each deep into our marketing knowledge and design an online recruiting campaign that rivals fortune 500 companies in the private sector. With campaigns running throughout California our online recruiters are able to maintain a high volume of applications to the Department. Helping Hayward PD maintain the elevated quality threshold they demand.